Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tilda Swinton Revisited... Again.

Ah, the Venice Film Festival, filled with beautiful stars wearing gorgeous outfits that make us drool with envy... Unless it's our favorite wacky red carpet woman, Tilda Swinton, then we try to look at her ensemble without cringing.

I really can't say I'm surprised by this alienesque ensemble worn by Ms. Tilda Swinton. In fact I'd be more surprised if she wasn't wearing something exceedingly... different, let's say. I think we might as well keep Ms. Swinton off our list of Oh no she didn't s! since she has already appeared on this site numerous times. I can't even say I like her shoes, since they make her look like she should be eating her oats while trotting in place. Sorry Tilda, but maybe one day (maybe) you will show up looking like a gorgeous swan and not a extraterrestrial and make us eat every one of our words.


BioPeach said...

Why did she wear such a dark color? She's invisible in it.

scribbling sassy said... are hilarious! yeah, I don't understand why she would hide her figure in that drab!